1601006012 long case

 A 55 year old female from nakrekal, a daily wage labourer, a known case of CKD presented to the opd with chief complaints of 

  • Fever since 5 days.
  • Loss of appetite since 5 days.
  • Difficulty in breathing since 5 days.
  • Reduced urine output since 2 day.

History of presenting illness :

  1. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back when she developed cough with mucopurulent greenish yellow expectoration, increased at night, no relieving factors.
  2. Fever - Since 5 days, Low grade, insidious in onset, associated with chills. There was evening rise of temperature. It was relieved on medication.
  3. Shortness of breath - Since 5 days, Grade 2, Increased on exertion, talking, eating. Reduced on taking rest. Not associated with orthopnea or nocturnal dyspnea.
  4. Reduced urine output since 1 day associated with abdominal distension and pain.

No history of chest pain.

No history of Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Epilepsy, Tuberculosis.

Past history :

No similar complaints in the past

Medical history :

Not significant 

Family history :

Not significant 

Personal history :

Sleep - adequate

Bladder - reduced urine output

Bowel - regular

Appetite- reduced

Diet - mixed

Addictions - 

Smoked chutta 1/day for 40 years

Chronic alcoholic since 40 years


Patient is conscious,  coherent, coperative ; moderately built and moderately nourished.

No pallor, icterus, clubbing, edema, koilonychia or lymphadenopathy.

Central line for dialysis present.


Temperature: Presently afebrile

BP: 115/70 mmhg

RR:26 cpm

PR:80 bpm

PO2 : 97 mmhg


Respiratory system :


 Shape of the chest : Normal (Transverse diameter(27cm) > AP(23cm))

 Symmetry of chest : Symmetrical 

 Respiratory movements : Equal on both sides


 Trial sign : Negative

 Dilated viens : Not present 

 Deformities of spine : Absent

 Apical impulse : cannot be seen

 Scars : None on the chest

 Pulsations : Absent

Palpation :

 (Inspectory findings are confirmed)

 Tenderness: Absent

 Chest circumference :74.5 cm on full inspiration

 Expansion equal on both sides - Anterior and posterior.

 Trachea: not deviated

 Apex beat: 5th Intercoastal space

 Vocal fremitus felt equally in all areas


Percussion :

Direct percussion over the clavicle was resonant on both sides.

Indirect percussion


  Supramammary - resonant on both sides

  Inframammary - resonant on both sides


  Suprascapular - resonant on both sides

  Interscapular - resonant on both sides

  Infrascapular - dull in the right and resonant in the left (persistent dullness on tidal percussion)

No shifting dullness observed.



Bilateral air entry present.

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard in supramammary, Inframammary, suprascapular area of both sides.

Reduced breath sounds in infrascapular and infraaxillary area of right lung.

No added sounds

CVS examination :

S1 and S2 heard

No murmurs

No palpable thrills

Abdominal examination :

Scaphoid shape

No tenderness 

No palpable mass

No organomegaly

No ascites

Bowel sounds present

CNS examination:

Conscious and alert

Normal gait

Normal speech

No focal neurological signs

All reflexes are intact

Fever chart :







PT / APTT - 15 secs / 30 secs (normal)

Blood sugar - 207 mg/dl (fasting) - high

RTPCR - Tb - Negative

Widal - No agglutination 

Dengue NS1 - negative 

Serum creatinine - 7.6 mg/dl 

ESR - 70 mm (raised)

Serum potassium - 4.9 (normal)

Blood culture - Ecoli isolated which was sensitive to cotrimoxazole and meropenem.

Chest xray :

PA view taken in full inspiration.
Trachea appear to be in midline.

Cardiac size is normal. No mediastinal abnormality.

Bilateral lung fields show multiple microcalcific regions. (Can be secondary to age)

Peripheral pulmonary vasculature is normal.

Domes of diaphragm shows smooth outline at normal positions.

Bilateral hila are normal in size and have equal density, bear normal relationship.

Bilateral pleural spaces are normal.

Visualised bones and soft tissues are normal 

No abnormality detected.

ECG - normal


Suspicious ground glass opacity noted in left lower lung field - CORADS 3

Bilateral minimal pleural effusion. Loculated effusion on right.

Basal atelectasis noted involving left lower lung fields.

Left staghorn renal calculus.

Visualised portion of bones appear normal.


Started on ATT


Right sided pleural effusion 

Differential diagnosis :
Bacterial pneumonia
Pulmonary abscess 

Thoracocentesis - purulent fluid was seen

Thoracocentesis needle
Source : slide share

Cell count and LDH


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