52 year old male with portal HTN

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

 A 52 year old male head on stable by occupation, resident of nalgonda came with complaints of :

  • B/L pitting pedal edema (till thighs) since 3 months
  • SOB on exertion since 1 week
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 years back then developed yellowish discolouration for which he was treated in Hyderabad.
2 years back he went to a hospital with similar complaints but didn’t cooperate for treatment in Hyderabad.
Later he started having hallucinations.
He was sent to de addiction center for 3 months in 2020.
He was working normally after that for 4 months but started consuming alcohol again.

 In January 2022 he developed B/L lower limb swelling associated with blisters and B/L lower limb pain.  
Yellowish discolouration of eyes for 3 weeks for which he got admitted in yashoda hospital and treated.
PT : 21.9
APTT : 37.5
INR : 1.62
Creat : 0.50
Ascitic fluid taken. Albumin in fluid <1 g/dl
Endoscopy done - showed erosions in body and antrum.
TB : 11.30
DB : 4.30
ALP : 187
Protein : 6.60
Albumin : 2.5
TLC : 15000
INR : 2.27
Patient got discharged.

Again on 17 March went to hospital with C/O SOB at rest and B/L LL swelling, redness and pain, cough with sputum.
INR : 2.09
TB : 2.40
DB : 0.30
D Dimer : 5405
USG Doppler : Floating thrombus in right CFV and left popliteal vein.
CT : Mild left plural effusion, moderate Ascitis, CLD
2 D Echo : Normal
CT peripheral venograph : Left common lliac vein indented by right common iliac artery. Distal SFV, popliteal veins are thrombosed on right side.
S/P : IVC filter

On 7 May 2022
C/O SOB on exertion since 5 days, vomitings + loss of appetite + B/L lower limb edema + Discharge + right lower limb non healing ulcer since 2 days, fever on and off since 2 days.
Creat : 2
INR : 7.33
On 8 May 2022
Creat : 1.6
INR : 3.55
Stool for occult blood +ve 
11 May 2022
Creat : 0.62
INR : 2.62
USG : Hepatosplenomegaly, moderate ascitis 
Endoscopy : Reflux esophagitis, LA lax LES, astral erosions, portal HTN changes.

Came to this hospital on 14 May 2022 to get admitted in DAC.

Addictions :
Chronic alcoholic since 30 years
Chronic smoker since 40 years 

General examination:
No pallor, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy
Icterus +

Edema + up to thighs

Vitals :
Temperature : 98.1 F
Pulse : 88 bpm
RR : 19 cpm
BP : 120/70 mm hg
SpO2 : 98% on RA
GRBS : 116 mg/dl

Systemic examination :
CVS : S1 S2 +
RS : BAE +
PA : Soft, distended

Provisional Diagnosis
? DCLD with Portal HTN 
? Left LL cellulitis with left LL DVT and PTE with S/P IVC filter placement.

Investigations :
HB : 6.8
TLC : 5600
Plt : 1 lakh
TB :3.25
DB : 1.65
AST : 41
ALT : 19
ALP : 218
TP : 5.1
ALB : 2.35
S. Urea : 14
Creat : 0.9
Sodium : 139
Potassium : 3.3
Chloride : 101
Alb +
PT : 20
INR : 1.4
APTT : 40

Surgery referral :


Treatment :
T. PAN D 40 mg PO/OD
IVF @ 30ML /HR


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